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Philosophy of Religion: The Key Thinkers (A+ Quality)

Philosophy of Religion: The Key Thinkers (A+ Quality)

Regular price Rs.1,250.00 Rs.800.00 36% OFF



Category: Religion & Spirituality 

Rating: 4.8/5

Pages: 200

About Book:

PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION:  the key thinkers    contains nine new essays by Michael Tooley, Richard Gale, William Hasker, William Rowe, Graham Oppy,  Peter Byrne, Mark Wynn, Katherin Rogers, David Johnson, and Jeff Jordan, which explain and evaluate the central ideas and arguments of the Philosophy of Religion - including the Ontological argument, the Cosmological argument, the Argument from Design, Pascal's wager, the Moral argument,  the argument from Religious Experience, the problem of evil - and why those ideas and arguments are still relevant.

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