Art of Reading Minds by Henrik Fexeus
Art of Reading Minds by Henrik Fexeus
Category: Self Help
Rating: 4.4/5
Pages: 224
About Book:
How would you like to know what the people around you are thinking, and use it to your advantage?
A major international bestseller with over 1 million copies in print, The Art of Reading Minds teaches you everything you need to know in order to become an expert at mind-reading. Using psychology-based skills such as reading body language, and using psychological influence, author Henrik Fexeus explains how readers can find out what another person thinks and feels - and consequently control that person's thoughts. In short, snappy chapters covering everything from contradictory signs and what they mean, how you flirt with people without even knowing it, methods of suggestion and undetectable influence, how to plant and trigger emotional states, to impressive demonstrations and party tricks, Fexeus gives readers practical (and often fun) tips and examples how to effectively mind-read others, and how to use the information gleaned to their advantage, both in personal and business settings. The book includes 42 black and white illustrations throughout to illustrate key points.